Dating a gemini man

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As said, Gemini man tends to be vulnerable and can not easily trust everyone. A Gemini can eventually forgive you, but he or she will never forget what happened. Just like a mirror, they can mimic yourself well whenever you are with them. Be sure that you tout about what you speak, because if she establishes in her mind that you are fake, that is what you will be for a long, long time. While he feels emotion, he thinks that it goes deep and will rarely ask himself if it is just something that will glad tomorrow. He would tell her numerous interesting stories, while promoting himself in the middle. He will tell you everything you need to know about where the relationship dating a gemini man going. Learning to use the gift of communication in a positive way is key. And as far as sol true love is concerned, this is a search that will continue till she finds it. What is attractive to you about how he flirts and draws you in; he uses the same technique to get other attention elsewhere.

First, the disclaimer: Commitment is not a natural state for the Gemini man. The only fairy tales he believes in are the ones he writes himself. Gemini lives in his imagination, and real-world relationships can be a bit too grounding for his sign. Until then, the Gemini man avoids committing by being a little bit committed to everyone and everything. In fact, this man is capable of becoming the most boring, bathrobe-wearing, remote control clutching cliche of a husband ever. The last thing he wants to do is climb the rickety rollercoaster rails of a new relationship all over again. The emotional blowups, the misunderstandings, the soul baring—ugh! He just needs relationships with a single key ingredient: space. He must have distance in order to come closer. His inner Twin needs this contrast, to switch the intimacy button on and off. As much as he may seek fame or a public career, the Gemini man needs to slip into the shadows at will, retreating into his own anonymous world to recharge. These polar extremes are essential to his sanity a term we use loosely with Geminis. The Gemini man thrives in a long-distance relationship for that reason. Our Aquarius friend Neda is married to a Gemini who lives almost 6,000 miles away in Iran, while she lives in New York. Neda filmed him in the studio reciting his fiery political verses. Only a Gemini could get away with recording conscious rap under a totalitarian government. Both passionate about change in their native country, their intellectual chemistry sparked a romantic connection. Oh, did we mention that Yas is also 12 years young than Neda? Fairy-tale romances with Gemini, should they happen, always have an interesting plot twist—the more unpredictable the better. He loves a challenge! Then when he confessed to me his feelings and I responded positively. No guesses, no games. The Gemini man is not always easy to live with. Phone relationships suit him well, since Gemini rules the voice and communication. He then eats an entire package of ham, which he wraps around hot dogs and shares with the dog. The Gemini man absorbs so much information that he gets easily overwhelmed. I need to know where I am so I can make an informed decision. When and if things get routine, you need only ask him a smart question or solicit his opinion about something happening in the news. The Gemini man always has an opinion. It just means he thinks your question was inane and not worth dignifying with a thoughtful answer. But so is thunder and lightning. Copyright 2008, Tali and Ophira Edut.

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